Lots of gems at the article, I won't quote many here because I encourage you to take some time and read it. My favorite quote:
Markets are a product of laws, norms, talent, information, and capital, and the absence of these can readily yield market failures — not because markets do not work, but because markets are not a magical salve.
I am totally fascinated by education policy right now. Is this because it's a compelling topic or because I should be studying for finals? Guess I will know next week.
(H/T Tyler Cowen)
Pete, I'm just catching up on my Reader and saw your post.
Not sure if you came across this one, related to Charter Schools: (http://modeledbehavior.com/2010/10/15/making-charter-schools-work/)
It points out that Charter Schools do well with two groups: Students in poverty and ELL students.
I'm thinking that's argument enough to support them.
Great link, Tom. You're absolutely right that if charter schools benefit only those groups they are a worthy cause indeed.
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