Monday, December 13, 2010

School Deregulation

At National Affairs, Frederick Hess has an extended piece on school choice. One of his main points is that the rhetoric of "school choice" developed in a funny way (according to him, because the urban African-American leaders calling for better options in schooling had the most politically palatable rhetoric). I wonder if the fate of the school choice movement would be at all different if it were instead called school deregulation.

Lots of gems at the article, I won't quote many here because I encourage you to take some time and read it. My favorite quote:

Markets are a product of laws, norms, talent, information, and capital, and the absence of these can readily yield market failures — not because markets do not work, but because markets are not a magical salve.

I am totally fascinated by education policy right now. Is this because it's a compelling topic or because I should be studying for finals? Guess I will know next week.

(H/T Tyler Cowen)


Tom Church said...

Pete, I'm just catching up on my Reader and saw your post.

Not sure if you came across this one, related to Charter Schools: (

It points out that Charter Schools do well with two groups: Students in poverty and ELL students.

I'm thinking that's argument enough to support them.

Pete Abbate said...

Great link, Tom. You're absolutely right that if charter schools benefit only those groups they are a worthy cause indeed.

Compared with the totality of knowledge which is continually utilized in the evolution of a dynamic civilization, the difference between the knowledge that the wisest and that which the most ignorant individual can deliberately employ is comparatively insignificant. ~Fredrich Hayek in The Constitution of Liberty